
I knew the tears will bring back smiles but I never knew that the smile will bring back tears

They say there’s a rainbow after the rain; yes it’s true. The tears of our past, after the scars are completely healed, you will find someone ---or something that will bring back the joy in your eyes. I guess, that is how love goes; you bleed, you cry, you scream in agony, everything revolves around you are completely disarray over what you wanted in life right now. You’re trapped in a plane where your reality is darker than usual, there’s no color in your life. But after you mend your broken heart, there she was standing on the corner of your street, watching all cars go by; and she noticed you, noticing her, noticing you. Your eyes glistens with hope, your heart pumps faster while you take a leap of faith, and when you say a single, “Hi,” you know everything had change.

The world will play again----your addiction---the symphony of love, the shivering sound of bliss, and the romantic rhythm that together you will dance with. A mutual relationship where two worlds collide together to transform into a better world; a world where an unconditional love exist, a realm where there is an absence of judgment, a dimension of never ending happiness. And you know what is the most important among them all? Unity.

In the end, you’ll just realize how stupid you were; once again the reason of your smile played a game on you, a trick that fooled you. You never knew that she is not the one; you never knew that our love story is just an illusion; you never knew that the girl who brought back colors in my life will bring tears in my eyes. You never knew the smile she gave you will bring such tragedy.