• 2 sets of 12 reps 
    • ez-bar-curl  ez-bar-curl
    • 2 sets of 15 reps 
    • hammer-curls  hammer-curls
    • 1 set of 15 reps 
    • seated-calf-raise  seated-calf-raise
    • 2 sets of 15 reps 
    • stiff-legged-barbell-deadlift  stiff-legged-barbell-deadlift
    • 1 set of 8 reps
    • 1 set of 20 reps 


    • 2 sets of 8-12 reps 
    • Barbell-bench-press-medium-grip  Barbell-bench-press-medium-grip
    • 2 sets of 12 reps 
    • standing-military-press  standing-military-press
    • 2 sets of 15 reps 
    • lying-triceps-press  lying-triceps-press
    • 2 sets to failure 
    • Chin-Up  Chin-Up
    • 2 sets of 10 

If she's amazing, she won't be easy

“If she's amazing, she won't be easy. If she's easy, she won't be amazing. If she's worth it, you won’t give up. If you give up, you're not worthy. ... Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for.”---Bob Marley

If you fall in love with a girl that makes you think you’re going crazy, then you must go and win her heart. A girl who is amazing is not an easy task---it is like a treasure hidden beneath the darkest side of a cave. You must go and show her worth even how long or how hard it is, you must win her. Even if she’s going to hurt you like hell, you must chase her. Everyone is going to hurt you anyway, so why not go and risk it all just to win her love?

Don’t ever give up! Show her that you have the balls to prove your feelings towards her. You must strive hard just to win her, do your best, and have faith to the universe. But before that, you must know if she’s the one who’s worth the suffering for. You must feel it with your heart not with your eyes. Love is a feeling, not scenery. Before going deeper into her world, you must know how depth, how chaotic, how wicked is her dimension that makes her beautiful in your eyes. If you can feel, if you know she’s the one---attack with all your strength!

To one person you are the world

To the world, you may be one person, but to one person you are the world

Ever felt the grim sadness flows inside your veins whenever you think, in this wicked world, you are worthless? Your worthlessness as a person inside this vast world we are living. You’re just like a dead fish following the unsure flow of life; you’re just a human being who only know how to breathe but don’t know how to live; you’re just a diamond hidden in an unbreakable rock and the world thinks that you’re worthless. To the world, yes, you’re just a person but someone is willing to prove how important you are.

There’s this person where you meant a lot, you are worth more than diamond or gold can ever give. You are priceless, you complete that special someone. Someone that is willing to hug every flaws and imperfection; to see it as a beautiful attributes of yours, to fill that void with never ending admiration, and to remind you how great it is to have you.

If you find this kind of person, give him/her a special kind of appreciation. Never let this person go, because in this realm we’re trying to survive, it is such a luxury to discover this kind of love and affection.

I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you

I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you

When you’re with someone you love, you know your world is way different, you felt some kind of magic flowing inside your body. These are some feelings that you might experience:

1. Belongingness

When you’re with your love, you feel some kind of acceptance within your world. The people around you don’t matter. You don’t care whether the society wants you or not because you know, deep within your heart and soul, there is someone who accepts every flaws and imperfection within you.

2. Inspiration

You’re inspired to do better, to do something beyond the façade of your comfort. With inspiration flowing inside you, you can do anything limitlessly; you try to do something different or something superior than usual.

3. Trust

In this cruel-filled world we are living, trust is a big thing. You trust your partner more than yourself. You trust every decision you two will make. You put it into God’s hand for whatever might happen into your so called love story.

4. Safety

You feel secured whenever you’re with someone you love. In the dangers in the wickedness of life, you knew someone will never hurt you; someone will protect you from harm. You leave all the doubts inside your head hidden as if you’re in a sanctuary in the chaos of the world.

5. Fulfillment

In the presence of bliss inside your lover’s world, you feel this some kind of satisfaction; a satisfaction where only you can understand. You ignore all worldly things, and the most important thing to you is what is inside your heart.


I knew the tears will bring back smiles but I never knew that the smile will bring back tears

They say there’s a rainbow after the rain; yes it’s true. The tears of our past, after the scars are completely healed, you will find someone ---or something that will bring back the joy in your eyes. I guess, that is how love goes; you bleed, you cry, you scream in agony, everything revolves around you are completely disarray over what you wanted in life right now. You’re trapped in a plane where your reality is darker than usual, there’s no color in your life. But after you mend your broken heart, there she was standing on the corner of your street, watching all cars go by; and she noticed you, noticing her, noticing you. Your eyes glistens with hope, your heart pumps faster while you take a leap of faith, and when you say a single, “Hi,” you know everything had change.

The world will play again----your addiction---the symphony of love, the shivering sound of bliss, and the romantic rhythm that together you will dance with. A mutual relationship where two worlds collide together to transform into a better world; a world where an unconditional love exist, a realm where there is an absence of judgment, a dimension of never ending happiness. And you know what is the most important among them all? Unity.

In the end, you’ll just realize how stupid you were; once again the reason of your smile played a game on you, a trick that fooled you. You never knew that she is not the one; you never knew that our love story is just an illusion; you never knew that the girl who brought back colors in my life will bring tears in my eyes. You never knew the smile she gave you will bring such tragedy.

What is love?

The laughter, warmth and passion in their eyes could be the sweetest thing ever. It's amazing how our grandparents are still so in love after all those years. Can you imagine how they started as young and immature couples, that through time, have become two mature people sharing each other the perfect kind of love?

Indeed, true love is unconditional. It would always be without any foul intentions. When you find this kind of  love, all your insecurities will be erased because you know in yourself that he truly loves you despite of  your imperfections. Both of you will place yourselves in each other's shoe to see and understand your differences. You would always consider each other's feelings and situation.

Because really, true love isn't just mere "love". When you love someone, you learn to give, forgive and never doubt.

The cure for a broken heart

Love is something that's as vague as the taste of water, yet to love is still something that is inevitable.

Sometimes, no matter how hard you try to forget your feelings over a person, you just can't. Funny thing is, the more you try to forget, the harder you fall for that person. It is indeed strange and magical at the same time. We fall for the person we do not want, we fall for the right person at the wrong time, we fall for the wrong person almost... every time.

Love, as well, is like an ocean that's full of surprises and sacrifices. You may choose to just sit on the side and dip your feet to just partially feel it, or you may take the risk, learn to swim and face all the waves that are coming in. This experience will not only make you stronger but much wiser in every little thing you'll do. You might drown, or feel cramps or may be tired for a bit but you can always take a rest and let the small waves bring you back to  the shore.

Both pain and happiness are present in everything we do, anyway. So why be scared?

Love should change you

Being a woman is one of the toughest jobs in the world. While the society expects you to be that graceful and responsible lass, you are showered with endless insecurities every day -- as you face yourself in the mirror, when a beautiful dress doesn't look good on you or you're unable to complete your daily tasks. Sometimes, it's frustrating too, that you cannot move forward for being locked up inside the image that everyone throws at you.

Doesn't it feel good that one day, somebody will help you get out of this prison? He'll help you fight off all those insecurities and tell you everyday how beautiful and amazing you are. He might not be able to give you flowers and chocolates everyday, but he could be the one that will serenade you every night 'til you fall asleep. He'll stay by your side at all times and would give you the love you need, the love you deserve.

You're imperfections mean nothing, you're beautiful. One day, you will be the best woman that you could possibly be...with him at your side.

How to know if you're in love

We meet so many people everyday, we hear so many words. In a world full of secrets and lies, how can we be so sure how much of those are genuinely true? As the old adage goes, "Action speaks louder than words." It's true, right? Oftentimes, our mouth, our voice, are being taken for granted 'cause they are used for lying, fooling. We could always say things even when we do not mean it. We could always say things just for the sake of speaking it out.

Words could be powerful, but it can never be enough. Others may easily say they love you, but are unable to prove how much. It isn't always about the material things, anyway. A person could show how much he loves you by staying right by your side all the time. He would care for you as if you are the most precious treasure in the world.

And to tell you the truth, these actions could stand alone. When a person cares for you and treats you so dearly, even if he does not say it, you'll feel special and know that he truly loves you.

Unconditional Love

They say, when you are in love, you become a fool in an instant. You tend to do stuffs you don't actually do, you sacrifice a part of yourself, you become blind and forget your name. Exaggerated, it may seem but it really is true. Remember those times when you are caught up in between your heartbeat and reality?

Sometimes, because of too much love you'll end up choosing him rather than the things you really need.

Why is it that people see love as a fairy tale, that despite all the pain, tears and trials, you're still going to live happily ever after in the end? People tend to drown in the bliss that love showers, to the point where you are going to take risks and swallow all of it -- even if it means tears and madness. Worst is, you become so much caught up in your "happy-ever-after" that even if the painful truth is right in front of you, you'll still smile, forgive him and pretend that it's all right.

Really, are his faults and lies all worth it? Would it really make you happy? Ask yourself, dear. You deserve so much more.

Real Love

To love is an art. Love is a masterpiece. And you are the artist.

Loving someone is like painting the most beautiful scenery in the world. Every single stroke, every technique, every dust of hope dashed through the medium -- contributes to the creation of the aesthetic you two are hoping for. It's as colorful as the unending choices of hue that'll be your light towards making it through. However, perfection never exists. No matter how careful you are, somehow, you will still spill a little. It just happens.
But in real love, you ought not to spill. Every little drop of your love's deepest shade of red is very important. Every kisses, hugs and memories must be valued. One move, one mistake, might lead to the destruction of your piece. Because a simple touch of your brush towards the canvas may leave a mark that can never be erased.. unless you are willing to discard it and start all over again.

Are you willing to start from scratch and move on? Will you be able to retrace your steps and make it even more beautiful? Or are you going to end up doing the same mistakes again?